Shown on the left is Cardinal George Pell’s natal chart, birth time unknown.
No houses or POF are shown and zodiacal longitude is rounded out to to 12 noon.
Transiting planets are shown on the outside rim for 12 noon April 7th 2020, which was the approximate time of his acquital and release.
Of special interest is transiting Sun sextile natal Sun, transiting Moon Mars Saturn and Venus all aspecting natal Jupiter and natal Pluto.
Transiting Pluto and Jupiter as well as Mercury all aspect his natal Saturn Uranus conjunction.
And don’t forget the very important Moon transiting the natal North Node in Libra, trining transit Venus and natal Jupiter in Gemini forming a Grand Air trine with transiting Mars in Aquarius. An excellent transit for settling a legal case in Pell’s favour and providing a positive karmic tone to his future spiritual path.