The Case of the Missing iPad
Background story
I had been trying to practise a difficult table tennis serve, and decided to video myself attempting the serve to compare with online training videos. I took the iPad downstairs and did some recordings, then placed the iPad on the bonnet of my partner’s car, which was next to the table tennis table, to do some more practice.
That evening Alison used her car to go to go shopping. The next morning I mentioned to her that I couldn’t find the iPad and last I remembered it was on her car bonnet. She remembered that something flew off the front of her car when she went shopping.
Yikes! We both realised it must have been the iPad and immediately went and searched the road and surrounds, but to no avail. There was a wide grassed median strip down the middle of the road which I also searched. Rubbish bins lined the street to be emptied by the council and the iPad was nowhere to be seen.
After we got back home, we ran off a horary chart.
The question
What happened to the iPad? Was it destroyed, picked up by someone, thrown into a rubbish bin….? Would we get it back? Did someone have it? If so who?
The competition rules
All answers must include your astrological reasoning. This is not the place for intuitive or psychic insights, wonderful though they may be. Just your best astrology logic.
Entries close Saturday August 29 2020, 5 pm AEST
The Trophy will be awarded to the person who submits the answer that most closely reflects events and includes sound astrological reasoning. If more than one person submits an equally accurate answer with equally good supporting astrological logic, the person with the earliest submission will be declared winner.
The prize
A celebratory image of the August Horary 2020 Championship Trophy engraved with the winner’s name (example shown above) will be posted on this site.