The front page of this morning’s Age newspaper carried the title UNCIVIL WAR and pages 4-9 were dedicated to the spat between the PM Malcolm Turnbull, leader of the Liberal Party, and his deputy Barnaby Joyce, leader of the National Party. Papers from the other capital cities carried similar stories.
Power points
This news comes hot on the heels of the partial solar eclipse of the previous day at 27 Aquarius. On the left is the horoscope for the eclipse for the location of Australia’s capital city, Canberra. The stand-out planets are those on the angles. The angles in the horoscope are like power-points, and planets conjunct these points are very energised.
Mars – aggravation at the top
Mars is on one of these angles at the top of the chart: the Midheaven. The Midheaven represents the most public place and Mars represents aggravation and arguments. We have broadcast across the nation a very public spat between the PM and his deputy.
The trigger for this aggravation can be seen by the other angular planets: Venus and Neptune, both conjunct the Ascendant, the primary angle of the horoscope.
Venus – exalted temptation
Venus is known as the planet of love and among other things also represents young women. Here she makes a very tight applying sextile aspect with Saturn. Saturn represents the deputy PM Barnaby Joyce because it rules the eleventh house, which is the second from the tenth house which represents the PM. The deputy PM Barnaby Joyce has fallen for temptation of exalted Venus.
Neptune – the people are deceived
Neptune, the planet of deception, glamour, and illusion sits just inside the the first house. In a mundane horoscope the first house represents the public, the common people. They have been deceived. Barnaby Joyce has also had to correct his supposed record of service in the Army Reserve.
Twelfth house solar eclipse
This brings us to the solar eclipse at 27 Aquarius, which is located in the twelfth house. The twelfth house is associated with matters which are hidden, with entrapment, lies, and subversion. Self-undoing is a term commonly used to describe this house; and represents the stupid things we do to mess up our lives.
This horoscope describes very well the current unfortunate situation in Australian politics.
To view Barnaby Joyce’s horoscope and discussions relating to Australia’s Aries Ingress chart for 2017 click here.