Buying and selling property

The people

The querent (the person asking the question) is represented by the first house and Lord 1 (Lord 1 is an abbreviation for the lord or ruler of the first house).
The opposite house, the seventh house and Lord 7, represents the other party.

The people’s money

The querent’s money or financial worth is shown by the second house and Lord 2. Look at its essential dignities and house location. If for example Lord 2 is Saturn in Capricorn and located in the twelfth house the querent has plenty of money (Saturn is in the sign of its rulership) but has difficulty accessing it because the twelfth house represents matters which are hidden from us or in some sense inaccessible.

The other party’s money is represented by the eighth house and their financial wellbeing is shown by the condition of Lord 8. Lord 8’s condition is shown by its essential dignities, its house placement, and aspects to benefics and malefics.

The property

The property is represented by the fourth house and Lord 4. Its condition is shown by its essential dignities (or debilities).

High or low price? Planet major dignities

The price of the property is described by the tenth house and Lord 10.

To assess whether the price is high or low compared to the condition of the property compare the essential dignities of Lord 10 with those of Lord 4. This comparison will tell you if the price is high or low considering the condition of the property.

For example if Lord 10 is Venus in Libra and Lord 4 is Mars in Taurus then the price is high (Venus is in the sign of its rulership and therefore has strong essential dignity), and the condition of the property is poor (Mars in Taurus is in the sign of its detriment). High price vs poor condition = this is not a ‘good buy’.

If Lord 10 is retrograde the price can come down.

The Deal

A deal between the 2 parties to buy or sell is represented by a meeting of the planets which represent the buyer and seller.

Aspect which indicate a deal include an aspect between Lord 1 and Lord 7, or Lord 7 and the Moon, or an aspect between Lord 7 and the first house cusp or Lord 1 and the seventh house cusp.

Only use the primary aspects: the trine square opposition and sextile, and the conjunction. A weaker indication that a deal might be done would be an aspect between Lord 8 and the first or second house cusp. Inconjunct and semi-sextiles indicate that the people represented by the planets cannot ‘see each other’ and therefore don’t meet and cannot make a deal. The word ‘aspect’ means ‘to see’ or ‘regard’.

There can be other indications of a deal being signed such as the Moon or a fast planet transferring light between Lord 1 and Lord 7 or a heavier planet collecting the light between these 2 planets.

Keep it simple

Essential Dignities
Usually I keep it simple and just use the major essential dignities (rulership and exaltation, peregrine and occasionally triplicity). If you find yourself using the minor dignities you are probably overthinking the question or maybe trying to force a result.

The houses
Identifying the correct house is everything in horary astrology. In real estate questions the 4 angular houses: 1 10 7 and 4 are the most important to consider. No need to look elsewhere in most cases. The 2nd and 8th represent the money of the buyer and seller and are also important.


I have used this system many times with very good results. It is sourced from John Frawley, and before him, Lilly and Bonatti. The application of this system will vary according to circumstances but the underlying principles always stay the same. This is only a brief outline and I intend to provide more detail in future posts.

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